Thursday, May 29, 2008

more on this later.

The past is gone but something might be found to take its place.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I just sent this out in email form... but here it is.

So If you haven't heard this already, I have, as Colin would say... a modest proposal:

Part 1 - Organize a roadtrip to a certain place in Southern Ohio.

Part 2. Organize the mass wearing of Flying Spagetti Monsterism T-Shirts.

Part 3. Go to the Creation Museum, wearing said T-Shirts.

Part 4. See that exhibit of Eve wearing a dress in the garden of Eden while petting a velociraptor, next to a sign that says "6-8000 years ago".

Part 5. Take comfort that no matter how much my admission ticket cost, it will not buy the organizers of this museum any hard evidence to back their position.

Part 6. Take lots of pictures, and be prepared to be kicked out for being caught giggling too much. (I don't plan on actually creating a disturbance or wearing a profane t-shirt to actively piss anyone off... ahem... Jesse".

Part 7 - Go camping with fellow roadtrippers, and bring them Yuengling.

This would be happening sometime between the end of May and the 6th of Jun. I'm all open for within this timeframe. If you feel as passionate about the silliness of young earth creationism as much as I do (Especially you Jenn... I know you do) please let me know, and I'll hash out the details with any of you who think they might have a day or two to kill in early June.

The museum is 4 hours south of Ann Arbor., and a little over 9 from Ithaca. Here's the mapquest link if you are elsewhere.,-84.669571&spn=0.259935,0.431213&z=12

Let me know guys!


“I don't understand what you see in him” said my friend the Stoic, with a sigh.

The Stoic (as I will call him in this writing) is one of the few people I'd go to with my troubles... especially the illogical kind, for he'd find those most entertaining. He was never swayed by emotion, and he was great at both seeing through bullshit, and giving it back.

“Well,” I told him with a shudder of held back tears, “There was a time I was crying into his shoulder, and offering to give him a kidney if he ever needed one. He made some comment about how efficiently the kidney would be able to filter through blood with a high glucose content in the blood. I don't remember what he said, but I do remember that I stood there trying to remember how the loop of Henle worked, and I forgot to be sad. “

“I see”, he said, though it was clear from his tone that he didn't.

“So yes, It's reason like that I suppose.”