It's Pretty Here =)

Ithaca is a very emotive and moody woman... but that's why I love her. On the walk up the gorge trail every day there are little change and new surprises, the water rushing over the gorge rises and falls, it's misty or clear, and people leaves stacks of stones all over the place merely to show they were there. Sometime a pile of flower will be in the middle of the water for you to question it's existence, sometimes a painted rock. Sometimes people are meditating in the overhangs by a waterfall, sometimes a (cute) guy is sitting reading a book on a rock in the middle of the river. Once I saw some young lovers sleeping in under the waterfall, holding each other... not caring a bit that the world could see them where they were, mainly because where they were was beautiful.

I love Ithaca.

And the gorge trail is just as beautiful at 4 AM... I'll miss it in the winter time.

An awesome windstorm hit the other day, pulling tiles off rooftops, blowing branches off trees and begging people to feel passionate like she was. Mark said he was jogging past a tree that was completely uprooted. He called me the other day to make me feel better after reading my last blog post after Tali directed him here.
I guess since Mark and Tali are both reading this I should be careful what I say...

So if anyone needed to know about that secret fantasy I've had of sex with Mark and Tali where Mark is wearing a Princess Leia golden bikini and Tali is dressed like R2D2... Feel Free, but I guess It's not safe to talk about it on the ol' blog anymore. You all know what a Star Wars Fan I am... it was bound to pop into my head one of these days.


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